We departed Port McNeill just after 6:00 AM. Our goal was to round Cape Caution before the afternoon winds had a chance to build.
Cape Caution is aptly named. It is one of the few places along the "inside passage" to Alaska that is directly exposed to the open Pacific. Most of the "inside passage" is protected by the long chain of islands beginning with Vancouver Island and continuing along almost the entire distance to South East Alaska. The twenty four mile passage around Cape Caution is directly exposed to the open Pacific. We always try to round Cape Caution when the winds are light and blowing from the right direction.
Today we had ideal conditions for rounding the cape. Having gotten an early start, we completed the rounding of Cape Caution by 12:30 PM.
Mary baked a wonderful loaf of olive bread on the passage. We topped the bread with sliced cheese for lunch. Fresh baked bread is a real treat while cruising. Mary prepares the dough and places it in the warm engine room to rise. She then bakes it in our propane oven.
Because we had such good conditions , we decided to go further than originally planned. We eventually stopped at Philip Inlet at 4:15 PM. Philip Inlet is beautiful and very well protected.
We plan to depart for Shearwater tomorrow morning.
Cape Caution
Philip Inlet
Mary's Olive Bread