I listened to the La Paz cruisers VHF radio net that occurs each morning at 8:00 AM. I spent the morning in the Cruiser’s Lounge trying to get internet connectivity and catching up on email. In the afternoon, I tried to get a permit to visit Isla Espirito Santo but the address in the cruising guide seems to be out of date and I could not find the office that issues permits. I bought a Spanish/English dictionary at Allende Books. I provisioned for the trip north at Aramburo’s market. At sunset, I join Jim Hasberger and Jeanne Harvey from the Valiant 40 “Kanga” and Bob the retired navy captain from the San Diego Yacht Club on Bob’s wooden Grand Banks trawler. After cocktails, we went to Rancho Viejo restaurant to have a wonderful meal of Arrancheres.
Bob is in his 80’s and is down here along because his wife died about 6 months ago. He told wonderful stories of his long career in the Navy. After attending two years of Naval ROTC in college he enlisted in the Navy as an enlisted man. After serving for a year and a half he was picked for the Naval Academy. He is an accomplished Piccolo and Flute player. He also plays the bugle.
He is a very experience sailor and has won major ocean races. He founded the junior sailing program at Coronado Yacht Club and one of his protégés is Robbie Hinds.
Bob was aboard the first naval ship to visit Yugoslavia in the 1950’s during Tito’s reign. While the ship was in port, Bob heard symphonic music coming from the shell of a bombed out building. He recognized the music and went inside to listen. The conductor noticed him and asked who he was and what he was doing there. Bob explained that he played flute, knew the piece, and had played it with the Oklahoma orchestra. The conductor found a flute and asked him to sit in with the orchestra during the practice. Bob was so good that he was asked to take part in the official performance. Bob got permission to do so from his commanding officer, but the higher ranking officers were not aware that he was performing in the concert. They were very pleasantly surprised to see Bob in the orchestra when they attended the official concert.